哈希编码学习方法_想学习编码吗? 这很容易。 这是解决困难部分的方法。
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This article is for people who want to code, are trying to learn, or are wondering if they should learn it.


When it comes to learning to code, attrition is a huge problem. The majority of people quit. And, as Steve Jobs said, quitting is the ‘rational’ thing to do when something is really, really hard. And if you don’t love it, you’re not going to see it through.

在学习编码方面,减员是一个巨大的问题。 大多数人退出了。 而且,正如史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)所说,当某件事真的非常非常困难时,退出是“理性的”事情。 而且,如果您不喜欢它,就不会看到它。

But here is a twist: we love things we are good at. Before we get good, we like things that we are “getting the hang of”. Think back to the last time you were getting the hang of something new, and you will remember that feeling of: ‘Yeah — I can do this! I’m gonna get there!

但是这里有一个转折:我们喜欢我们擅长的事情。 在变得好起来之前,我们喜欢 “摆脱困境”的事物。 回想上一次您获得新事物的乐趣时,您会记住以下感觉:' 是的,我可以做到! 我要去那里! '

Unfortunately, most people do not enjoy their journey to learn to code, even though it becomes one of the most addictive things you will ever do, once you start to get the taste of success. The trick is to start tasting small victories, early, and often.

不幸的是,即使一旦您开始尝到成功的滋味 ,即使成为最令人上瘾的事情之一,大多数人也不喜欢学习编码。 诀窍是尽早,经常地品尝小胜利。

我的故事 (My story)

But I did not know all this 4 years ago. I distinctly remember my first, confused attempts to code in 2014. I didn’t even know what an IDE was. It didn’t help that I was 34, had zero background and didn’t know a single programmer.

但是我不知道这四年前。 我清楚地记得2014年我第一次困惑的编码尝试。我什至不知道IDE是什么。 我34岁,背景为零,不认识一个程序员,这无济于事。

I tried to learn to code. Not once. Twice. And both times I gave up. I am a very hard worker, very focused, and hungry for a challenge. And I was defeated both times.

我试图学习编码。 不止一次。 两次。 两次我都放弃了。 我是一个非常努力的人,非常专注,并且渴望挑战。 我两次都被击败了。

I found the challenge too hard. Until …hang on, I am jumping ahead.

我觉得挑战太难了。 直到……坚持下去,我才跳起来。

Let me be clear and reiterate — it wasn’t coding that was hard. It was learning to code that was hard. And this is a very critical distinction. It’s not the subject that is hard, it’s the process of learning it.

让我清楚并重申一下 - 并不是很难编码。 正在学习编码是很困难的 。 这是一个非常关键的区别。 这不是很难的科目,而是学习的过程。

It took me 3 years of giving up, trying again, needlessly wasting dollars, reading all sorts of seemingly promising things, receiving conflicting advice and trying to heed both, bleary eyed nights and frustrated days.


In late 2017, I launched a little startup product, at huge personal expense. I was afraid that I would not raise funding in time, and my co-founder bowed out. I had hired developers — and that couldn’t last long. One day I browsed through my diary, and I saw a pattern.

在2017年末,我投入了巨额个人费用推出了一款小型启动产品。 我担心我不能及时筹集资金,所以我的联合创始人屈服了。 我已经雇用了开发人员,而且持续时间不长。 有一天,我浏览了日记,看到了一种模式。

I was going about the learning all wrong.


I made a note of all the things I felt defeated me. The list had little to do with coding, but everything to do with my choices, behavior, priorities, and … here is the big one…my misconceptions.

我记下了我觉得击败我的所有事情。 这份清单与编码无关,但是与我的选择,行为,优先顺序和……有关的一切都很大……这是我的误解

Less than a year later, I was doing well at hackathons, holding my own with those that had gone to expensive US Coding Bootcamps, helping other beginners start coding, and finally, doing what I’d dreamt of doing in 2014 — programming almost every day. I had gone past “getting the hang of it” to… “wow…not daunted by it!”.

不到一年后,我在黑客马拉松比赛中表现不错,与那些去过昂贵的美国编码训练营的人保持了联系,帮助其他初学者开始编码,最后,完成了我在2014年梦doing以求的工作–几乎对每个人都进行了编程天。 我已经过去了,“抓住了它”,……“哇……没有被它吓到!”。

And the best part? I knew that if I failed at the startup, the next one would be enormously easier because I had learned enough to achieve a key goal: I had become my own “technical cofounder”. I was able to prototype my own ideas.

最好的部分是? 我知道,如果我在创业公司失败了,那么下一个要容易得多,因为我已经学到了足够的知识来实现​​一个关键目标: 我已经成为我自己的“技术联合创始人”。 我能够原型出自己的想法。

No more trying to persuade others to “build me a simple prototype”.


I love coding so much, and I can feel myself getting better every day. I love that I have barely scratched the surface — programming is a gift that keeps on giving!

我非常喜欢编码,而且我每天都会感觉自己越来越好。 我爱我几乎还没摸到表面-编程是不断给予的礼物!

And I also now know that I could have achieved my objective with less than half the effort and expense.

But I am now in danger of forgetting what it was like back in 2014, or even 2016, and what I thought, felt, worried about, and struggled with in those early, early days. And I also now know that I could have achieved my objective with less than half the effort and expense. Humans are so great at compressing decades of information into learnings that others can use — for example, every autobiography is decades of learning in a few hundred pages. Podcasts can give you in an hour what it took people years to learn.

但是我现在有忘记2014年或什至2016年的情况的危险,以及在早期,早期我所想,感到,担心和挣扎的事情。 而且我现在也知道,用不到一半的精力和费用就可以实现我的目标。 人类非常擅长将数十年的信息压缩成可供他人使用的学习内容,例如,每本自传都是数百页中数十年的学习内容。 播客可以在一小时内为您提供花了很多年才能学到的知识。

And so I resolved to use my diary notes to create that helps anyone, anywhere, prepare for the coding journey. There are plenty of courses that teach you how to code. But there is very little information that prepare you with what you need to know before you dive into learning.

因此,我决定使用日记本来创建 ,以帮助任何地方的任何人为编码之旅做准备。 有很多课程可以教您如何编码。 但是, 您深入学习之前 ,几乎没有什么信息可以使您掌握所需的知识。

I’m super pleased to announce that I’ve launched ! And if you’re a FreeCodeCamp reader, you’ll find in this post a clue on how to get a special promo code!

我非常高兴地宣布,我已经了 ! 如果您是FreeCodeCamp的读者,您将在这篇文章中找到有关如何获取特殊促销代码的线索!

该课程适合谁? (Who is the course for?)

It is for people, especially those who have spent time in other careers, that are wondering if they can learn to code (you can), are interested in what it would take (a lot, but less than you expect if you learn from my mistakes!), have tried and given up (this is the majority!), are confused or overwhelmed by the tsunami of choices and decisions (too much noise, not enough guidance), or have started coding and want to make sure you achieve your outcomes with minimum wasted effort.


Oh, and if you want to save time, effort and money while you learn to code, then this course is for you. Because I lost over 8 months of time (more than 500 hours of time) and wasted over $1,100 in subjects that I did not need for my specific goal.

哦,如果您想在学习编码的同时节省时间,精力和金钱,那么本课程非常适合您。 因为我损失了超过8个月的时间(超过500个小时的时间),并浪费了超过1100美元的我不需要用于特定目标的科目。

I designed the course to help you find the shortest path to your specific coding goals. Remember that old saying ‘People don’t just buy a drill — they buy the ability to hang the picture up on the wall’? That is 100% true.

我设计该课程是为了帮助您找到实现特定编码目标的最短路径 还记得那句老话:“ 人们不仅买钻,还买了将图片挂在墙上的能力 ”? 是100%正确。

You don’t want to just learn to code. You want to create something with code. You want to solve problems, build a business, achieve a flow state, help others, sell things, learn things.

您不想只是学习编码。 您想用代码创建一些东西。 您想解决问题,建立业务,实现流程发展,帮助他人,卖东西,学习东西。

There is no shortage of drills (learn-to-code resources). There is a shortage of guidance on how to find the drill, where to get it, how to use it on your specific wall, for your specific picture.

演习(学习代码资源)不乏不足。 对于如何查找钻头,如何获得钻头,如何在特定墙壁上使用,针对特定图片,缺少指导。

And here is something you won’t hear from other courses — I even ask you to consider quitting if your objective can be achieved through a means other than learning to program.


Time is your most precious non-renewable resource


I really, truly believe your most precious resources are your time, effort and money. Of these, the single most important resource is time, because the other two can be renewed and recovered. So if you’re going to spend time on something make sure it gets you closer to this goal.

我真的,真的相信您最宝贵的资源是您的时间,精力和金钱。 其中,最重要的资源是时间,因为其他两个资源可以更新和恢复。 因此,如果您要花时间在某些事情上,请确保它使您更接近此目标。

With that in mind, if you want to invest 3 hours with me to find your shortest path to learning to code, then head to and use the form there sign up (not the popup!). If you add the words “FREE MY TIME” to the message, I will know you’re a FreeCodeCamp reader, and I will send you a promo code, because just like you, a solid start.

考虑到这一点,如果您想与我一起花费3个小时来找到学习编码的最短路径,那么请前往并使用那里的表格进行注册(而不是弹出窗口!)。 如果您在消息中添加“ FREE MY TIME”(免费),我将知道您是FreeCodeCamp的读者,并且会向您发送促销代码,因为和您一样, 了一个良好的开端。

[Update] Quincy at FreeCodeCamp has relaunched the , and uses his incredible experience as an educator to pull together content that will help you on your journey. I was recently on and some of the things in this post are covered in greater detail there. You can also access the podcast on , , and or directly from .

[ 更新 ] FreeCodeCamp的Quincy重新推出了 ,并利用他作为教育工作者的令人难以置信的经验整理了有助于您旅途的内容。 我最近在 ,这篇文章中的某些内容在此有更详细的介绍。 您也可以在 , 和上访问播客,或直接从此 。

I can be contacted on Twitter: @ZubinPratap





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